Last updated on at 03:48 pm
Learning the easy ways to relieve stress is beneficial. Since stress and anxiety are part of life and can’t be avoided, then the next best thing for us to do is to know how to keep them in check. Stress has a bad effect on health and one’s overall well-being, so keeping it under control is helpful.
I, for one, hate getting stressed and anxious. So before all that stress and anxiety overwhelm me, I immediately resort to one of these immediate stress relievers. I found them effective in immediately relieving stress and anxiety.
So if you’re going through stress and anxiety, try these quick ways to immediately feel better. They will divert your thoughts making you forget whatever is causing you stress and anxiety, and make you feel better—even relaxed and happier.
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1. Listen to Music
One of my favorite stress reliefs is listening to music. Whenever I listen to my favorite songs, I instantly feel better. That’s why I keep a feel-good music playlist just within reach just for this purpose alone. It is always effective. Every. Single. Time.
2. Meditate
Meditation helps empty my mind, thereby making me let go of those thoughts that cause me stress and anxiety. It helps me relax. And then later, it gives me mental clarity and helps me deal with my fears, stress, and anxiety more calmly. I can then look at what’s bothering me from a different perspective (a much better one) and make sense of it better.
3. Exercise

Exercise gives me happy hormones, so I feel calmer and happier after doing it.
I always feel good after an hour of exercise and even after just a half hour. Just like meditation, it clears my mind and helps me look objectively at what’s causing my stress and anxiety.
Try doing some exercise and see how it works for you. If you’re a newbie, keep it light at first and just increase intensity as you go along.
4. Watch Movies
The telly is also a favorite instant escape for me when I’m stressed and anxious. Movies or TV shows effectively take my mind off things.
What I do is watch a favorite movie that I know always makes me feel good. I have several on hand that I keep for this purpose. I suggest you keep some too for when you’re feeling low and need some cheering up. If you don’t have favorites, you can always find something on the air that will divert your attention from what’s causing you stress.
Related Reading: What Do You Do When You’re Sad – A Guide to Coping Strategies When Feeling Down
5. Take a Walk
Walking clears your mind too and helps you relax. If you can do it outside and among nature’s beauty, then the better. If not, then try doing it inside the house and atop a treadmill, if you have one, or just around your space for a few minutes.
6. Play Video Games
Playing videos is a fun way to immediately de-stress. It’s one of my favorites, too.
7. Talk to Someone
Talking with someone takes your mind off your stressful concerns. Plus, you’re also connecting and bonding with the person you’re talking to at the same time.
8. Love Activity
Doing something you love is a fast way to feel good.
For instance, I so much love to read, so reading is my go-to de-stress activity most of the time. Reading transports me to different places, settings and times—all of which take me away from, and help me forget, my cares.
Perhaps you love to paint, draw, craft, or create anything. Do these activities once you start feeling stressed and then you’ll instantly feel better.
9. Journal

Writing your thoughts or journaling helps. It helps you make sense of what you’re feeling, gives you a new (and hopefully, much better) perspective, and provides you with clarity.
Write what’s stressing you, what solutions you could maybe apply to them, how you should deal with them, and the like.
This would help you approach your concern with much better insight and understanding. Or better yet, writing may then help you realize that what you are stressing over is nothing at all.
10. Breathe Some Fresh Air
A dose of fresh air is really helpful, too. I find that fresh air clears my mind and invigorates me. I feel much, much better afterward.
11. Look at Photos
I like taking photos, so I have a lot of them. They’re mostly from my trips or those that sprung from my need to be creative. Looking at them instantly brings me joy.
When I’m going over my travel photos, I’m immediately bombarded with memories of those moments captured on camera it’s as if I’m back there again. I then start to feel the same excitement as I did back then.
Looking at those creative photos I took, on the other hand, brings me joy too because I love creating and putting together colors and shapes and making them complement each other.
If you also have photos from your trips or of happy moments, try looking at them when you feel stressed and see if they bring you instant joy or have the effect of alleviating your stress and anxiety.
12. Color
Coloring coloring books and pens is a great stress buster too. It’s relaxing and soothing, and many resort to this activity for stress relief.
13. Dance
Dancing is another of my favorite stress relievers. Dancing instantly makes me happy. The combination of upbeat music and body movement brings joy to me. I think the happy hormones it creates in the body also help.
Try dancing then when you feel stressed and see how it works for you.
14. Read
Again, reading is one of my joys. It takes me away from my cares and brings me to a new world. Because of these, I’m able to forget my worries, so I’m no longer stressed.
If you’re fond of reading, I’m sure you know what books to read that will give you instant stress relief. If you’re new to it, however, look for ones that would make you laugh and feel good.
15. Get Some Hugs
I don’t know what it is with hugging that instantly makes me feel good. For some, a good hug is all it takes to de-stress. It works for me, too. Find out if you feel the same way as well.
16. Turn to Quotes
There’s nothing quite like the words of wisdom from someone who’s been through a similar experience as ours to give us assurance and comfort.
Related Reading: Social Media Detox Quotes That Will Change Your Life
So, at times, I turn to inspiring quotes to give me encouragement and hope when I’m stressed and anxious. It’s a big help knowing someone once went through what you’re currently going through and came out at the other end of the experience well.
17. Play with a Pet
Playing with your pet brings instant stress relief too. The fun and excitement are great ways to forget your worries.
18. Take a Shower
Maybe a shower (or a deep soak in the bath) is all it takes to make you feel better.
19. Drink Tea

Tea makes me happy. And it’s the same for plenty of people. They are soothing. There are even a lot of quotes about the goodness and the relaxing effect of tea that are a testament to how beneficial it is to our well-being. I placed one below.
Any tea works well with me. There are some particular kinds of tea, though, that bring calmness. Check them out and try them.
One of those tea quotes that I like:
There is no trouble so great or grave that cannot be diminished by a nice cup of tea.
Bernard Paul Heroux
20. Use Essential Oils
Essential oils are great instant stress reliefs too. They have a calming effect. Diffuse some and feel better.
21. Go to Your Happy Place
Think happy thoughts when you feel stressed and anxious. Maybe you’ve got a particular go-to thought when you want to instantly feel good. Think of them instead of nurturing your stress and anxiety.
22. Take Deep Breaths
Take deep breaths when you feel stressed. They’re good for you and help you feel calmer.
23. Eat Chocolates
Chocolates are not only delicious, but they also make you happy. They give you added energy as well.
24. Take a Nap
They say a nap cures all. Well, maybe not, but they do make you feel better after, such that you can then think calmly and clearly. When you feel stressed and anxious, try leaving your cares behind and just take a nap.
25. Get a Massage
A massage will make you feel better. Try it with essential oils for maximum effect.
How can I reduce stress quickly?
You can reduce stress quickly by practicing deep breathing exercises, taking a short walk, listening to calming music, or engaging in mindfulness techniques like meditation. Disconnect from stressors momentarily and focus on the present moment to regain perspective and alleviate tension.
Wrap Up
So those are the things I do when I need easy ways to relieve stress. They are effective for me. Try them out and let us know if they work for you as well or which ones do.
If you also have other ways to alleviate stress immediately, let us know through the comment section below.
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These are great suggestions, some of them I do. My fave is to have a cup of tea outside in the fresh air.
Thank you. Being outside is a definite plus!
These are great tips, I do it a lot of these everyday to keep my mind clear and calm! Thank you for shsding
Thank you and you’re welcome!
I love these. I do most things on the list. Music, exercise (I run) and journaling are my favourite. I find movies make me more upset… But maybe I watch the wrong kind of movies. LOL. Great list. Sharing this!
I love journaling! The creativity it takes is a fantastic escape. Thank you and you’re most welcome!
These suggestions are great. Music is a definite pick me up when I’m feeling stressed or a bit down. I also like to watch a movie or an episode of something to take my mind off what I’m stressing about. Thanks for sharing.
Yes, music is my number one pick-me-up, too! Thank you and you’re welcome!
Great ideas! I love walking especially when I’m feeling down and not in the mood to workout!
Walking goes a long way and I love it too. Thank you!
I love these ideas! When I am stressed, I usually go for a nap or to play with my pups.
There’s a lot of great ideas to destress. I love to use exercise and music, it always seems to boost my mood.
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